The Liberal Arts Education prepares the students to be productive and matured citizens of society.
The Liberal Arts Program for the first two years provides the students a general foundation as preparation for the major field of concentration in the last two years.
After finishing the four-year course in Liberal Arts, the graduate is expected to:
- Live and exercise Christian moral values in his/her interaction with the community in the light of the Gospel of Christ.
- Attain a solid liberal education in humanities, social sciences and professional competence in his/her chosen field of specialization.
- Evolve in his/her own idea on how to contribute productive labor and acquired attitudes on wise use of time and proper utilization and conservation of resources.
- Respond to the challenges in life and exercise leadership in community activities contributing to the promotion of justice, love and peace.
- Contribute and help in the concern of present realities and current issues.
- Understand the meaning and relationship of the different economic and political ideologies to Christian faith.